wordcloud - Word Clouds
Functionality to create pretty word clouds, visualize differences and similarity between documents, and avoid over-plotting in scatter plots with text.
Last updated 7 years ago
10.59 score 2 stars 55 dependents 6.9k scripts 34k downloadsOpenStreetMap - Access to Open Street Map Raster Images
Accesses high resolution raster maps using the OpenStreetMap protocol. Dozens of road, satellite, and topographic map servers are directly supported, including Apple, Mapnik, Bing, and stamen. Additionally raster maps may be constructed using custom tile servers. Maps can be plotted using either base graphics, or ggplot2. This package is not affiliated with the OpenStreetMap.org mapping project.
Last updated 1 years ago
8.09 score 11 stars 4 dependents 498 scripts 3.8k downloadsipc - Tools for Message Passing Between Processes
Provides tools for passing messages between R processes. Shiny examples are provided showing how to perform useful tasks such as: updating reactive values from within a future, progress bars for long running async tasks, and interrupting async tasks based on user input.
Last updated 2 years ago
6.50 score 56 stars 1 dependents 38 scripts 622 downloadslolog - Latent Order Logistic Graph Models
Estimation of Latent Order Logistic (LOLOG) Models for Networks. LOLOGs are a flexible and fully general class of statistical graph models. This package provides functions for performing MOM, GMM and variational inference. Visual diagnostics and goodness of fit metrics are provided. See Fellows (2018) <arXiv:1804.04583> for a detailed description of the methods.
Last updated 1 years ago
5.56 score 5 stars 72 scripts 820 downloadsDeducer - A Data Analysis GUI for R
An intuitive, cross-platform graphical data analysis system. It uses menus and dialogs to guide the user efficiently through the data manipulation and analysis process, and has an excel like spreadsheet for easy data frame visualization and editing. Deducer works best when used with the Java based R GUI JGR, but the dialogs can be called from the command line. Dialogs have also been integrated into the Windows Rgui.
Last updated 9 years ago
3.44 score 1 dependents 91 scripts 599 downloads